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 Pexons en donjons

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Nombre de messages : 130
Age : 50
Date d'inscription : 14/05/2010

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MessageSujet: Pexons en donjons   Pexons en donjons Icon_minitimeSam 04 Déc 2010, 02:27

Pour pexer en donjons... les voilas :

The Vortex Pinnacle (80 - 82)
Location: Above Southern Uldum
The Skywall is one of the regions - or domains - of the Elemental Plane. It is the domain of Air, where the air and wind elementals of Azeroth live under the rule of Al'Akir the Windlord, one of the Old Gods' most powerful lieutenants and an Elemental Lord. Adventurers who find themselves in the Skywall will find an vast sky, endless thunderstorms, an angry yellow sun, and above them - the citadel of Al'Akir himself, held in the air by cyclones shaped like solid columns. Poetic words aside, the Vortex Pinnacle looks like a mix between elven and Dalaranian architecture, with its smooth domes and solid bridges. Populated densely by air elementals, this segment of the Skywall is one of the most hostile places you will ever encounter. The only relief in here is the fact that the powerful winds will not allow you to plummet to your death if you fall of the one of the platforms... they will merely deliver you back in the hands of Al'Akir's servants. The entrance to The Vortex Pinnacle can be found high in the sky in temples floating off the coast of Uldum.

The Stonecore (81 - 83)
Location: Deepholm
Another part of the Elemental Plane, Deepholm is home of the earth elementals. Once a sanctuary for the wounded Deathwing, it is now a place of raging wars between Earthen, troggs, earth elementals, Twilight Hammer cultists, and numerous beasts. The Stonecore, a dungeon inside the very Temple of Earth (and possibly the heart of the entire realm), has also been infiltrated by the Twilight Hammer, and it will be up to the players to fight their way through Deepholm's natural inhabitants, scores of cultists, and the one and only Millhouse Manastorm!

Throne of the Tides (82 - 84)
Location: The Abyssal Breach, Abyssal Depths
The Throne of the Tides is an ancient structure, possibly once used by Neptulon himself. It is now infested with naga and servants of the Old Gods, and even the mighty Tidehunter has been unable to stop the invasion! It will be up to you, brave heroes, to travel deep beneath the surface of Azeroth's oceans and enter the Abyssal Maw, the endless ocean of the Elemental Plane. There you will have to infiltrate the Throne, defeat the armies of naga and servants of the Old Gods, and finally assist the Tidehunter himself in his battle against Ozumat, the giant mind-controlling octopus-like creature.

Lost City of the Tol'vir (84 - 85)
Location: Uldum
The Tol'vir are another one of the Titans' races of stone, much like the Earthen. But while the Earthen were created to assist the Titans in shaping the very world, the Tol'vir's purpose was one of safekeeping. They were to maintain the various repositories and machines hidden inside Uldum. Alas, recent events have disturbed their long history of relatively peaceful life. With the Cataclysm exposing the "Land of the Titans," and the Neferset clan joining forces with Deathwing and the Old Gods, the remaining Tol'vir led by the Ramkahen king have lost the struggle to keep, or even regain one of their biggest cities - the Neferset City, - now only known as the Lost City. Inhabited by the Neferset and Deathwing's servants led by Siamat, Lord of the South Wind, the Lost City is well-guarded against any invasion from King Phaorsis, but perhaps a small group of skilled adventurers might be just what it takes to sneak it, rescue the Ramkahen prince-heir, and defeat Siamat.

Blackrock Caverns (85)
Location: Blackrock Mountain
The Blackrock Mountain makes its return in Cataclysm with a new dungeon (and a raid). After the incredibly long Blackrock Depths and Blackrock Spire, the Blackrock Caverns are being introduced to the game. The Caverns were created by Deathwing himself when he decided that it would be convenient of the Blackrock Mountain was connected to the Twilight Highlands, the Twilight Hammer's "base." So the Aspect of Death dug through the continent itself and create a large cavern-like network. The area is inhabited and guarded by warriors and spellcasters of the Twilight Hammer, as well as powerful elementals, and corrupted Earthen.

Grim Batol (85)
Location: Twilight Highlands
Protected by the Red Dragonflight until recent years, the cursed halls of Grim Batol have been retaken by the Twilight Hammer, Deathwing, and the Old Gods. The Reds are trying to regain their ground in the ancient corridors, but the armies of Twilight are numberless, and their defenses - seemingly impenetrable. But the burdens will be great for those brave or foolish enough to venture into the heart of the Twilight Hammer. A small group of Reds and Earthen Ring shamans will await you and your group at the entrance, explaining the gravity of the situation you all are in. You will need to rescue several red dragons from their tortures, defeat some of the cult's strongest generals, and finally face Erudax, a powerful servant of the Old Gods. To add even more spice to the fight, you will find him in a room of eggs laid by Alexstrasza herself... and Twilight eggs around them. The shackles that once chained the great Aspect of Life still linger on the floor, reminding the heroes of Azeroth of the price of failure.

Halls of Origination (85)
Location: Uldum
The Halls of Origination are yet another one of the mysterious Titans' complexes built throughout Azeroth. As the story of Uldum and its inhabitants - the Tol'vir - unfolds before you, it drags you closer and closer to the Halls. There, if the legend and the Tol'vir have it right, those who are strong enough can find a weapon of unimaginable power left by the Titans in case the world falls to corruption and they need to obliterate it. With the aid of Brann Bronzebeard, you will venture forth into the unknown, challenging every one of the Halls' keepers in an attempt to obtain power and knowledge.
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