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 Stuff Guerrier Tank

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3 participants


Nombre de messages : 130
Age : 50
Date d'inscription : 14/05/2010

Stuff Guerrier Tank Empty
MessageSujet: Stuff Guerrier Tank   Stuff Guerrier Tank Icon_minitimeMer 16 Fév 2011, 11:20

Hé oui, voila c'est fait : enfin 85 avec la war (oui bon c'est que mon 3ieme et Symb a de l'avance... Smile ).

Donc voici le tank en mousse mais plein de tunes qui se cherche du stuff et vu que les serveurs sont en maintenance et que ma fille a la grippe je cherche quelques sources :

http://maintankadin.failsafedesign.com/forum/index.php?f=3&t=30230&rb_v=viewtopic :

J'ai mis des cheers pour indiquer les loots sympa et accessibles pour le moment Wink

- Gear is roughly sorted for BiS ranking, based first on item level, and then based on the assumption mastery > dodge/parry > hit/expertise.

The List

  • Head

[372] Daybreaker Helm (Heroic) - Drop - Bastion of Twilight: Valiona (Heroic) - Strength/Parry/Mastery
[372] Dragon Bone Warhelm (Heroic) - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Maloriak (Heroic) - Expertise/Mastery
[372] Reinforced Sapphirium Faceguard (Heroic Tier 11) - Crown of the Forlorn Conqueror* token + Reinforced Sapphirium Faceguard - Blackwing Descent: Nefarian (Heroic) - Dodge/Hit
[359] Daybreaker Helm - Drop - Bastion of Twilight: Valiona - Strength/Parry/Mastery
[359] Reinforced Bio-Optic Killshades - Crafted - Engineering (ONLY)
[359] Dragon Bone Warhelm - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Maloriak - Expertise/Mastery
[359] Reinforced Sapphirium Faceguard (Tier 11) - Helm of the Forlorn Conqueror token - Blackwing Descent: Nefarian - Dodge/Hit
cheers [346] Helm of the Proud - Purchased - 2200 Justice Points - Strength/Dodge/Parry
[346] Grinning Fang Helm / Crown of Wing - Reputation - Dragonmaw/Wildhammer Clan: Revered - Dodge/Expertise
[346] Headcover of Fog - Drop - Heroic Vortex Pinnacle: Grand Vizier Ertan - Parry/Hit
[346] Helm of Setesh - Drop - Heroic Halls of Origination: Setesh - Dodge/Expertise
[333] Helm of Setesh - Drop - Halls of Origination: Setesh - Dodge/Expertise

* Crown of the Forlorn Conqueror token may also be obtained by turning in a Essence of the Forlorn which is dropped by Al'akir (although you will likely wish to use any Essence of the Forlorns for Heroic Tier 11 Gloves and Legs first (no other token drops for those slots).

  • Neck

[379] Caelestrasz's Will (Heroic) - Drop - Bastion of Twilight: Sinestra (Heroic) - Dodge/Mastery
[372] Rage of Ages (Heroic) - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Nefarian (Heroic) - Hit/Mastery
[372] Ironstar Amulet (Heroic) - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Atramedes (Heroic) - Dodge/Hit
[359] Rage of Ages - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Nefarian - Hit/Mastery
[359] Ironstar Amulet - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Atramedes - Dodge/Hit
cheers [346] The Lustrous Eye - Purchased - 1250 Justice Points - Dodge/Mastery
[346] Carrier Wave Pendant - Drop - Blackrock Caverns: Ascendent Lord Obsidius - Strength/Parry/Mastery
[346] Darkhowl Amulet - Drop - Heroic Halls of Origination: Temple Guardian Anhuur - Dodge/Expertise
[346] Elementium Guardian - Crafted - Jewelcrafting - Dodge/Expertise
[333] Darkhowl Amulet - Drop - Halls of Origination: Temple Guardian Anhuur - Dodge/Expertise
[333] Mountain's Mouth - Reputation - Guardians of Hyjal: Honored - Parry/Mastery

  • Shoulder

[372] Heaving Plates of Protection (Heroic)** - Raid: Bastion of Twilight: BoE Trash Epic (Heroic?) - Parry/Mastery
[372] Pauldrons of the Apocalypse (Heroic) - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Nefarian (Heroic) - Parry/Expertise
[372] Reinforced Sapphirium Shoulderguards (Heroic Tier 11) - Shoulders of the Forlorn Conqueror* token + Reinforced Sapphirium Shoulderguards - Bastion of Twilight: Cho'gall (Heroic) - Dodge/Hit
[359] Heaving Plates of Protection - Raid: Bastion of Twilight: BoE Trash Epic - Parry/Mastery
cheers [359] Pauldrons of Edward the Odd - Drop - World Drop - Parry/Mastery
[359] Pauldrons of the Apocalypse - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Nefarian - Parry/Expertise
[359] Reinforced Sapphirium Shoulderguards (Tier 11) - Mantle of the Forlorn Conqueror token - Bastion of Twilight: Cho'gall - Dodge/Hit
cheers [346] Earthshape Pauldrons - Drop - Heroic Grim Batol: Drahga - Dodge/Mastery
[346] Raz's Pauldrons - Drop - Heroic Blackrock Caverns: Ascendant Lord Obsidius - Hit/Mastery
[346] Sunburnt Pauldrons - Purchased - 1650 Justice Points - Dodge/Hit
[346] Pauldrons of the High Requiem - Purchased - 1650 Justice Points - Strength/Hit/Expertise
[333] Earthshape Pauldrons - Drop - Grim Batol: Drahga - Dodge/Mastery

* Shoulders of the Forlorn Conqueror token may also be obtained by turning in a Essence of the Forlorn which is dropped by Al'akir (although you will likely wish to use any Essence of the Forlorns for Heroic Tier 11 Gloves and Legs first (no other token drops for those slots).
** It is unclear if/whether this item actually drops, as there is no "heroic" trash to be killed in the Bastion of Twilight.

  • Back

[372] Ironstar's Impenetrable Cover* (Heroic) - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Trash Drop (Heroic?) - Dodge/Parry
cheers [359] Wrap of the Great Turtle - Reputation - Guardians of Hyjal: Exalted - Dodge/Mastery
[359] Ironstar's Impenetrable Cover - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Trash Drop - Dodge/Parry
[359] Floating Web - Purchased - 1250 Valor Points - Strength/Expertise/Mastery
[359] Gray Hair Cloak - Purchased - 1250 Valor Points - Dodge/Expertise
[359] Zom's Electrostatic Cloak - Drop - World Drop - Dodge/Expertise
[346] Billowing Cape - Drop - Heroic Vortex Pinnacle: Asaad - Strength/Parry/Mastery
[346] Twilight Dragonscale Cloak - Crafted - Leatherworking - Dodge/Mastery
[346] Burned Gatherings - Drop - Heroic Blackrock Caverns: Karsh Stellbender - Hit/Mastery
[346] Shroud of Dark Memories** - Drop - Heroic Grim Batol - Trash drop(?) - Dodge/Expertise
[333] Cloak of War - Crafted - Leatherworking - Dodge/Mastery
[333] Shade of Death - Drop - World Drop - Dodge/Expertise
[333] Shroud of Dark Memories - Drop - Grim Batol: Trash - Dodge/Expertise

* It is unclear if/whether this item actually drops, as there is no "heroic" trash to be killed in Blackwing Descent. Notably, there are no other apparent options for i372 tanking cloaks.
** There does not appear to be a heroic version of this trash drop currently in game.

  • Chest

[372] Reinforced Sapphirium Chestguard* (Heroic Tier 11) - Chest of the Forlorn Conqueror* token + Reinforced Sapphirium Chestguard - Bastion of Twilight: Halfus Wyrmbreaker, Valiona, & Ascendent Council (Heroic) - Strength/Parry/Mastery
[372] Battleplate of the Apocalypse (Heroic) - Drop - Bastion of Twilight: Cho'gall (Heroic) - Parry/Hit
[359] Reinforced Sapphirium Chestguard Tier 11 - 2200 Valor Points - Strength/Parry/Mastery
[359] Battleplate of the Apocalypse - Drop - Bastion of Twilight: Cho'gall - Parry/Hit
cheers [359] Icebone Hauberk - Drop - World Drop - Parry/Hit ***Identical stats to Battleplate of the Apocalypse
cheers [359] Hardened Elementium Hauberk - Crafted - Blacksmith - Parry/Expertise
[346] Beauty's Plate - Drop - Heroic Blackrock Caverns: Beauty - Parry/Mastery
[346] Chestplate of the Steadfast - Purchased - 2200 Justice Points - Dodge/Mastery
[333] Breastplate of the Witness - Quest - Grim Batol: Closing a Dark Chapter - Dodge/Parry

* Chest of the Forlorn Conqueror token may also be obtained by turning in a Essence of the Forlorn which is dropped by Al'akir (although you will likely wish to use any Essence of the Forlorns for Heroic Tier 11 Gloves and Legs first (no other token drops for those slots). Notably, it appears that the first three bosses in Bastion of Twilight each drop a Chest of the Forlorn Conqueror token.

  • Wrist

[372] Bracers of Impossible Strength (Heroic) - Raid: Bastion of Twilight: Halfus Wyrmbreaker (Heroic) - Strength/Parry/Mastery
[359] Bracers of Impossible Strength - Raid: Bastion of Twilight: Halfus Wyrmbreaker - Strength/Parry/Mastery
cheers [359] Sandguard Bracers - Reputation - Ramkahen: Exalted - Dodge/Expertise
[346] Shackles of Undeath - Drop - Heroic Shadowfang Keep: Lord Godfrey - Strength/Dodge/Parry
[346] Alpha Bracers - Drop - Heroic Halls of Origination: Anraphet - Hit/Mastery
[346] Terborus's Rotating Bands - Drop - Terborus (Deepholme rare spawn) - Hit/Mastery
[346] Armguards of Unearthly Light - Drop - Heroic Halls of Origination: Isiset - Dodge/Hit
[333] Alpha Bracers - Drop - Halls of Origination: Anraphet - Hit/Mastery
[333] Armguards of Unearthly Light - Drop - Halls of Origination: Isiset - Dodge/Hit

  • Gloves

[372] Reinforced Sapphirium Handguards* (Heroic Tier 11) - Gauntlets of the Forlorn Conqueror* token + Reinforced Sapphirium Handguards - Throne of the Four Winds: Al'akir (Heroic) - - Strength/Parry/Mastery
[372] Gravitational Pull (Heroic) - Drop - Bastion of Twilight: Ascendant Council (Heroic) - Expertise/Mastery
[359] Reinforced Sapphirium Handguards Tier 11 - 1650 Valor Points - Parry/Mastery
[359] Gravitational Pull - Drop - Bastion of Twilight: Ascendant Council - Expertise/Mastery
cheers [346] Fingers of Light - Drop - Heroic Halls of Origination: Rajh - Strength/Parry/Mastery
[346] Numbing Handguards - Purchased - 1650 Justice Points - Strength/Dodge/Mastery
[346] Gloves of the Greymane Wall - Drop - Heroic Shadowfang Keep: Baron Ashbury - Parry/Expertise
[333] Fingers of Light - Drop - Halls of Origination: Rajh - Strength/Parry/Mastery

* Gauntlets of the Forlorn Conqueror token is obtained by turning in a Essence of the Forlorn which is dropped by Al'akir (Heroic). There is no other way to obtain a Gauntlets of the Forlorn Conqueror token.

  • Waist

[372] Jumbotron Power Belt (Heroic) - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Omnotron Defense System (Heroic) - Dodge/Mastery
[372] Thunder Wall Belt (Heroic) - Drop - Throne of the Four Winds: Conclave (Heroic) - Random enchantment
[359] Jumbotron Power Belt - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Omnotron Defense System - Dodge/Mastery
cheers [359] Hardened Elementium Girdle - Crafted - Blacksmith - Dodge/Mastery
[359] Thunder Wall Belt - Drop - Throne of the Four Winds: Conclave - Random enchantment
[346] Girdle of the Mountains - Purchased - 1650 Justice Points - Strength/Dodge/Parry
[346] Iron Will Girdle - Drop - Heroic Shadowfang Keep: Lord Walden - Dodge/Hit
[346] Sand Dune Belt - Drop - Heroic Lost City of the Tol'vir: Lockmaw - Dodge/Expertise
[333] Belt of Guardianship - Drop - World Drop - Dodge/Expertise
[333] Sand Dune Belt - Drop - Lost City of the Tol'vir: Lockmaw - Dodge/Expertise

  • Legs

[372] Thunder Wall Greaves (Heroic) - Drop - Throne of the Four Winds: Al'akir (Heroic) - Random enchantment
[372] Reinforced Sapphirium Legguards* (Heroic Tier 11) - Leggings of the Forlorn Conqueror* token + Reinforced Sapphirium Legguards - Throne of the Four Winds: Al'akir (Heroic) - Strength/Parry/Mastery
[372] Legguards of the Unseeing (Heroic) - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Atramedes (Heroic) - Parry/Expertise
[359] Thunder Wall Greaves - Drop - Throne of the Four Winds: Al'akir - Random enchantment
[359] Reinforced Sapphirium Legguards Tier 11 - 2200 Valor Points - Strength/Dodge/Parry
[359] Legguards of the Unseeing - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Atramedes - Parry/Expertise
cheers [346] Triton Legplates - Drop - Heroic Throne of Tides: Neptulon's Cache - Parry/Expertise
[346] Greaves of Splendor - Purchased - 2200 Justice Points - Dodge/Hit
[333] Stone-Wrapped Greaves - Reputation - Earthen Ring: Honored - Dodge/Parry

* Leggings of the Forlorn Conqueror token is obtained by turning in a Essence of the Forlorn which is dropped by Al'akir (Heroic). There is no other way to obtain a Leggings of the Forlorn Conqueror token.

  • Feet

[379] War-Torn Crushers (Heroic) - Drop - Raid: Bastion of Twilight: Sinestra (Heroic) - Dodge/Parry
[372] Molten Tantrum Boots (Heroic) - Drop - Raid: Blackwing Descent: Magmaw (Heroic) - Dodge/Mastery
[372] Massacre Treads (Heroic) - Drop - Raid: Blackwing Descent: Chimaeron (Heroic) - Expertise/Mastery
cheers [359] Boots of the Sullen Rock / Gryphon Rider's Boots - Reputation - Dragonmaw/Wildhammer Clan: Exalted - Strength/Parry/Mastery
[359] Molten Tantrum Boots - Drop - Raid: Blackwing Descent: Magmaw - Dodge/Mastery
[359] Massacre Treads - Drop - Raid: Blackwing Descent: Chimaeron - Expertise/Mastery
[359] Rock Furrow Boots - Purchased - 1650 Valor Points - Dodge/Expertise
[346] Baron Silverlaine's Greaves - Drop - Heroic Shadowfang Keep: Baron Silverlaine - Dodge/Parry
[333] Darksky Treads* - Drop - Heroic Vortex Pinnacle: Trash drop(?) - Parry/Mastery
[333] Ramkahen Front Boots - Quest - Lost City of the Tol'vir: The Source of Their Power - Dodge/Hit

* There does not appear to be a heroic version of this drop currently in game.

  • Finger(s)

[372] Permafrost Signet (Heroic) - Throne of the Four Winds: Conclave (Heroic) - Random enchantment
[372] Bile-O-Tron Nut (Heroic) - Drop - Raid: Blackwing Descent: Chimaeron (Heroic) - Dodge/Expertise
[359] Ring of the Battle Anthem - Purchased - 1250 Valor Points - Strength/Dodge/Mastery
[359] Permafrost Signet - Throne of the Four Winds: Conclave - Random enchantment
[359] Bile-O-Tron Nut - Drop - Raid: Blackwing Descent: Chimaeron - Dodge/Expertise
cheers [346] Elementium Moebius Band - Crafted - Jewelcrafting - Dodge/Mastery
cheers [346] Felsen's Ring of Resolve - Reputation - Therazane: Revered - Strength/Dodge/Mastery
[346] Ring of Three Lights - Drop - Heroic Lost City of the Tol'vir: Siamat - Parry/Mastery
[346] Temple Band* - Drop - Heroic Halls of Origination: Trash - Dodge/Mastery
[346] Red Rock Band - Reputation - Ramkahen: Revered - Expertise/Mastery
[346] Umbriss Band - Drop - Heroic Grim Batol: General Umbriss - Hit/Mastery
[346] Entwined Nereis - Drop - Heroic Throne of the Tides: Lady Naz'jar - Dodge/Hit
[346] Prosphorescent Ring - Drop - Heroic Stonecore: Corborus - Parry/Expertise
[333] Ring of Three Lights - Drop - Lost City of the Tol'vir: Siamat - Parry/Mastery
[333] Temple Band - Drop - Halls of Origination: Trash - Dodge/Mastery
[333] Umbriss Band - Drop - Grim Batol: General Umbriss - Hit/Mastery

* This ring is currently itemized at ilvl 333, the same as the non-heroic version. This is likely an error that will be corrected in the future, bringing the heroic ring up to full i346 itemization.

  • 1H Weapons

[372] Mace of Acrid Death (Heroic) - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Maloriak (Heroic) - Parry/Mastery
[372] Stormwake the Tempest's Reach (Heroic) - Drop - Throne of the Four Winds: Al'Akir (Heroic) - Random enchantment
[372] Soul Blade*** (Heroic) - Drop - Bastion of Twilight: Trash Drop (Heroic?) - Hit/Mastery
[359] Mace of Acrid Death - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Maloriak - Parry/Mastery
[359] Stormwake the Tempest's Reach - Drop - Throne of the Four Winds: Al'Akir - Random enchantment
[359] Soul Blade - Drop - Bastion of Twilight: Trash Drop - Hit/Mastery
cheers [346] Elementium Fang - Drop - Heroic Stonecore: High Priestess Azil - Parry/Mastery
[346] Axe of the Eclipse - Drop - Heroic Vortex Pinnacle: Altairus - Hit/Mastery
[346] Cookie's Tenderizer** - Drop - Heroic Deadmines: Captain Cookie - Hit/Mastery
[346] Sun Strike - Drop - Heroic Halls of Origination: Rajh - Hit/Mastery
[346] Mace of Transformed Bone* - Drop - Heroic Grim Batol: Erudax - Dodge/Hit
[346] Smite's Reaver - Drop - Heroic Deadmines: Admiral Ripsnarl - Hit/Expertise
[333] Mace of Transformed Bone* - Drop - Grim Batol: Erudax - Dodge/Hit
[333] Sun Strike - Drop - Halls of Origination: Rajh - Hit/Mastery
[333] Dragonscorn Mace - Quest - Twilight Highlands: Narkrall, the Drake-Tamer - Expertise/Mastery
[333] Mace of the Gullet - Quest - Twilight Highlands: Fury Unbound - Expertise/Mastery

* This mace is noticeably below item budget in strength, and appears to have a higher item budget in other stats to compensate
** This is the only current level 85 tank weapon that is not a standardized 2.6 weapon swing speed; it is a 2.8 swing speed
*** It is unclear if/whether this item actually drops, as there is no "heroic" trash to be killed in the Bastion of Twilight.

  • Shields

[372] Akmin-Kura, Dominion's Shield (Heroic) - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Nefarian (Heroic) - Parry/Mastery
cheers [359] Blockade's Lost Shield - Drop - World Drop - Parry/Mastery
[359] Akmin-Kura, Dominion's Shield - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Nefarian - Parry/Mastery
cheers [359] Elementium Earthguard - Crafted - Blacksmith - Hit/Mastery
[346] Shield of the Four Grey Towers - Purchased - 950 Justice Points - Dodge/Mastery
[346] Shield of the Iron Maiden - Drop - Heroic Blackrock Caverns: Rom'ogg Bonecrusher - Dodge/Mastery
[346] Bulwark of the Primordial Mound - Drop - Heroic Halls of Origination: Earthrager Ptah - Dodge/Hit
[333] Twilight Mirrorshield / Truthbreaker Shield - Quest - Orgrimmar: Traitor's Bait / Stormwind: A Villain Unmasked - Dodge/Hit
[333] Bulwark of the Primordial Mound - Drop - Halls of Origination: Earthrager Ptah - Dodge/Hit

  • Ranged/Gun

[372] Crossfire Carbine* (Heroic) - Drop - Bastion of Twilight: BoE Trash(?) - Dodge/Mastery
[359] Crossfire Carbine* - Drop - Bastion of Twilight: BoE Trash - Dodge/Mastery
cheers [346] Thundercall - Drop - The Vortex Pinnacle: Asaad - Parry/Mastery
[316] Thundercall - Drop - The Vortex Pinnacle: Asaad - Parry/Mastery
[318] Muffled Blunderbuss*** / Silenced Blunderbuss*** - Quest - Twilight Highlands: Dark Assassins - Hit/Mastery
[308] Abatement Cannon - Drop - BoE World Drop - Parry/Mastery

* It is unclear if/whether this item actually drops, as there is no "heroic" trash to be killed in the Bastion of Twilight. In addition, it's notable that the regular i359 version of this gun is incorrectly labeled as "heroic"; nonetheless, it is actually a "regular" version of the gun (and itemized accordingly), and the i372 "heroic" version does have higher stats (although it may not be implemented). Notably, there are no other apparent options for i372 guns.
*** Although this gear list typically does not list any gear options below 333, given the dearth of Gun options available for warriors, some quest and lower level BoE options are shown.

  • Trinkets

[372] Symbiotic Worm (Heroic) - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Magmaw (Heroic) - Stamina + Mastery proc
[372] Vial of Stolen Memories (Heroic) - Drop - Bastion of Twilight: Valiona (Heroic) - Stamina + On-Use Dodge
[359] Symbiotic Worm - Drop - Blackwing Descent: Magmaw - Stamina + Mastery proc
[359] Vial of Stolen Memories - Drop - Bastion of Twilight: Valiona - Stamina + On-Use Dodge
[359] Lifebound Alchemist Stone - Crafted - Alchemist (ONLY) - Stamina + Mastery + Healing Potion bonus
cheers [359] Mirror of Broken Images - Reputation - Hellscream's Reach / Baradin's Wardens: Exalted - Mastery + On-Use Resistance
[359] Unsolvable Riddle** - Reputation - Hellscream's Reach / Baradin's Wardens: Exalted - Mastery + On-Use Agility
[359] Darkmoon Card: Earthquake - Crafted - Inscription - Dodge + On-Use Temporary Health
[359] Bedrock Talisman - Purchased - 1650 Valor Points - Armor + Dodge proc
cheers [346] Leaden Despair - Drop - Heroic Stonecore: High Priestess Azil - Stamina + Armor proc
[346] Impetuous Query* - Drop - Heroic Lost City of the Tol'vir: Trash - Mastery + On-Use Parry
[346] Elementium Dragonling - Crafted - Engineering (ONLY) - Mastery + On-Use
[346] Tia's Grace** - Drop - Lost City of the Tol'vir: Siamat - Mastery + Stacking Agility Proc
[346] Porcelain Crab - Drop - Heroic Throne of the Tides: Mindbender Ghur'sha - Dodge + Mastery proc
[346] Throngus's Finger - Drop - Heroic Grim Batol: Forgemaster Throngus - Parry + Dodge proc
[346] Figurine - Earthen Guardian - Crafted - Jewelcrafting (ONLY) - Stamina + On-Use Dodge
[346] Heart of Thunder - Drop - Heroic Vortex Pinnacle: Asaad - Armor + On-Use Temporary Health
[333] Tia's Grace** - Drop - Lost City of the Tol'vir: Siamat - Mastery + Stacking Agility Proc
[333] Impetuous Query - Drop - Lost City of the Tol'vir: Trash - Mastery + On-Use Parry
[333] Throngus's Finger - Drop - Grim Batol: Forgemaster Throngus - Parry + Dodge proc
[333] Baradin Grunt's Talisman - Reputation - Hellscream's Reach: Honored - Mastery + On-Use Summon Add to Aid

* There does not appear to be a heroic version of this trash drop currently in game.
** Although this list is generally restricted only to non-agility gear, these trinkets are notable options nonetheless given that agility does have a 75% conversion rate to dodge, and there are few other "avoidance"-based trinkets that use dodge or agility this effectively.

  • Key Enchants

Arcanum of the Earthen Ring (Head Enchant) - Reputation - Earthen Ring: Revered - Stamina/Dodge
Lesser Inscription of Unbreakable Quartz (Shoulder Enchant) - Reputation - Therazane: Honored - Stamina/Dodge
Greater Inscription of Unbreakable Quartz (Shoulder Enchant) - Reputation - Therazane: Exalted - Stamina/Dodge

Dernière édition par markula le Jeu 24 Fév 2011, 10:03, édité 3 fois
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Nombre de messages : 33
Age : 33
Date d'inscription : 26/11/2009

Stuff Guerrier Tank Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stuff Guerrier Tank   Stuff Guerrier Tank Icon_minitimeJeu 17 Fév 2011, 02:27

Quand je te lis marku je me dis que t'as vraiment rien de mieux à faire Suspect
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Nombre de messages : 94
Age : 30
Date d'inscription : 19/02/2010

Stuff Guerrier Tank Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stuff Guerrier Tank   Stuff Guerrier Tank Icon_minitimeJeu 17 Fév 2011, 20:10

Arkmanar a écrit:
Quand je te lis marku je me dis que t'as vraiment rien de mieux à faire Suspect

Non non non faut pas le voir comme ça il a juste du temps qu'il destine à une passion, tout le monde a un peu de temps libre à un moment ou à un autre et le destine à ce qu'il veut et le fait qu'il fasse des recherches approfondi afin de s'aider lui-même et qu'en plus il nous partage ces recherches je trouve ça très honorable =) merci marku pour ces infos utiles quels soient pour tout les tanks plaqueux ^^.
Mais arki ton analyse fonctionnerait si marku avait comment dire ... mon age xD
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MessageSujet: Re: Stuff Guerrier Tank   Stuff Guerrier Tank Icon_minitime

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